Album: 07-28 RockEm-SockEm Robots

     Album:2002:07-28 RockEm-SockEm Robots

For Burning Man 2003, I built a lifesize version of Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots.

Hey, you knocked my block off!

This is an album of photos showing the construction over 2002 and 2003, as well as the redesigned heads for 2007. (Missing photos of arm rebuilds from 2006).

To see them in action, see my:
2003 Burning Man Robot Album
2004 Burning Man Album
2006 Burning Man Album
2010 Burning Man Album

2002 Construction Photos
15 images
2003 Construction Photos
20 images
2007 Facelift
32 images
Assembly directions
18 images
Burning Book
Which has a photo of the robots in action!
2 images
1928 National Novelty
Knock Out Fighters game - the origins of Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots!
1 folder , 9 images
1948 Mutoscope
Silver Gloves a remake of the 1928 game
9 images
1955 International Mutoscope
K.O. Champ - another Mutoscope remake
16 images
K.O. Boxers (1941)
A predecessor to Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots! I discovered this by chance at the SF Musee Mecanique when visiting with my Aussie friends. It claimed to be 1941, but I'm guessing it's actually the 1948 Mutoscope with lots of the original paint and decorations lost ( comments)
Original commercial
for the Marx Toys version, introduced in 1967. "You knocked my block off!" [Video, 1.8M] ( comments)
This is the Mattel version of the game
that I'm modeling the robots after. Mattel bought the rights to ( comments)
Rock'Em Sock'Em Homees
(from Vegas, picture by Mitch G.) ( comments)
Back in mainstream,
a Dodge Ram commercial [Video, 1M] ( comments)
My robots in action
at Burning Man ( comments)
Joy-of-Tech Steve-Jobs-House 1450
( comments)
Photo album generated by album generator a script by D. Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:18:11 2022