Album: 06-26 Pride Parade

     Album:2016:06-26 Pride Parade

We were in the Pride Parade again with the Ford Model A Club.
In line for the parade
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Talking to other owners
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The ford
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Driver ready
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The lineup of Fords
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Proud lady
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Ready to drive
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With tutu
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Gramps A
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In the paraded
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Driving next to our pair
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My silly girl,
on the runners ( comments)
Enjoying the parade
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Our passengers
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We kept getting stopped
because the parade kept stopping, so we got a photo. ( comments)
Charlie is a bad influence
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Happy Charlie
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Who's driving?
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The parade
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We loop the circle
a few times on the way to the post-parade picnic ( comments)
Model A loop
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The Model A and the Triumph
shortly before the Triumph is forever stolen, one of the last photos of it, probably. ( comments)
by Walter [Video, 10M] ( comments)
Album created by album generator a tool by David Madison on Fri Nov 11 20:55:50 2022