Album: 01-01 New-Years-in-NOLA

     Album:2015:01-01 New-Years-in-NOLA

We were in NOLA over New Years while we were looking for land in a short period of time we thought about moving there.
Us (with whistle), but too dark
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My love with explosions
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Wait - that's video. [Video, 2.7M]
[Video, 2.7M] ( comments)
We find a party bus
just driving by that offers us a (loud) ride [Video, 9.9M] ( comments)
We play a co-op version
of Bananagrams ( comments)
Cats in planters
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And cats
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Titus makes me a shoe bag
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Photo album generated by album a MarginalHack by David on Fri Nov 11 20:58:31 2022