Album: 09-22 STLBX

     Album:2005:09-22 STLBX

STLBX is the St. Louis Lindy Blues Exchange.

It's the granddaddy of Blues Exchanges, and I finally got to go to my first which, sadly, will probably be the last STLBX. Ah well.

Dancing with Melissa?
[photo courtesy MrSpiff] ( comments)
getting the late night ready ( comments)
We went to City Museum again.
City Museum rocks! ( comments)
Danny being born
in the caves ( comments)
Jen down in the caves
( comments)
Our caving crew.
Danny, Bryn, Dave, Pier, Jen (SC->IL), Craig and Lydia ( comments)
Dan rides the rope swing.
He doesn't follow my action footage directions well, though. [Video, 8.2M] ( comments)
Danny running the bowl
in the skate park. ( comments)
We started criss-cross running people
in the bowls. ( comments)
Cid demonstrates his skate prowess,
minus the skateboard. ( comments)
Go, Cid, Go!
[Video, 5.9M] ( comments)
Kermit and Terri
re-enact the Luke/Leia crossing the chasm scene from Star Wars. [Video, 7.8M] ( comments)
Susan risks her and my life
in a dangerous stunt [Video, 5.5M] ( comments)
"The Making Of" video.
See stuntmen and women in action! [movie courtesy Kermit] [Video, 1.4M] ( comments)
Happy Dave
after an exhausting series of running up and sliding back down. [photo Nathalie] ( comments)
Jeff (AUS) and Esly ..had an amazing dance
at the City Museum dance. ( comments)
It was fantastic.
( comments)
Jeff and Esly
( comments)
[photo courtesy MrSpiff] ( comments)
Dancing with Heather D.
[Memphis] [photo satoriglass] ( comments)
The late night
was on the third floor of some theater, and it had this great window. ( comments)
Kermit and Mike
( comments)
Solomon and ??
( comments)
Danny and Beth C. had a chair dance.
( comments)
That was amusing.
I never got to ask him why the heck he was inspired to dance up on some chairs. ( comments)
Solomon in his best form.
( comments)
Saturday afternoon dance.
( comments)
At a (soaped) fountain, under the arch.
( comments)
Some of the dancers
went up into the fountain. ( comments)
Jen and Charlie.
( comments)
And Austin Tina
( comments)
Jennie got some photos
of Jen and I dancing ( comments)
at the park on Saturday.
( comments)
I'm fond of them,..
( comments)
But it may just be my familiarity
with the subjects. ( comments)
( comments)
But on Saturday morning
I was actually pretty exhausted [photo E. Dewan] ( comments)
There were a half-dozen or so weddings
that were taking photos at the fountain, and we had to keep moving out of the way. ( comments)
Rachael (CO) dancing at the fountain
with Shawn (Ontario) ( comments)
( comments)
Charlie and Esly
( comments)
Mike from SF.
( comments)
Erin got captured on film.
Erin got angry. ( comments)
Erin was shocked.
( comments)
So, Erin showed me her booty.
( comments)
Luke (Chico)
was doing video at the event and is an interesting guy. ( comments)
Dave, Luke and Cid.
Luke also has a damn fine video camera. [photo Nathalie] ( comments)
He let me play with his 3CCD camera
[photo M. Skora] ( comments)
Gary is everywhere
( comments)
Natalie (Paris)
( comments)
Erin and Gary got involved
in some of those new-fangled, highly technical, three person blues aerials. ( comments)
Cid decided to help... this at home, kids.
( comments)
The fabulous international duo,
Esly (Korea) and Natalie (Paris) ( comments)
Tina is always a barrel of laughs
( comments)
Posing with the international duo
[photo satoriglass] ( comments)
Kim Massie is an amazing sensation,
and we were lucky to hear her sing. ( comments)
Fire Mark
played the role of "Dr. Feelgood" for Kim Massie ( comments)
Luke and Terri (Stl)
( comments)
Sometimes Mike is happy and friendly.
Sometimes not. ( comments)
Samantha from Vancouver
was celebrating her 21st at the Sunday venue. ( comments)
Kermit and Terri,
and that's Craig (Austin) laughing to their right. ( comments)
Cid was looking a little too serious,
dancing with Natalie. ( comments)
And then not.
( comments)
Dave, Esly, Nathalie, Cid and Luke.
After a fine exchange. [photo Nathalie] ( comments)
Take two. [photo Nathalie]
( comments)
Created with the tool album from D. Madison's MarginalHacks on Fri Nov 11 21:13:05 2022