

More albums:
Haley's Kettle,

1 image

My ring collection.

17 images

Some old online avatars

28 images

Interior of a Ford

3 images

Neat stuff

12 images

Funny stuff

9 images

1 folder


2 images

16 folders


5 images


19 images

Party images

3 images


16 images

6 images


25 images

John Wayne Gacy,

showing us that clowns are terrifying. ( comments)


( comments)

Nagasaki Panorama

A panorama I assembled based on old photos my Uncle John had of Nagasaki, after the blast.
After the war, the US Merchant Marine brought ships into Japan.
One of the vessels had a crew member from Alexandria, MN, (last name Godfrey) they were allowed to travel.
They took these photos, without any protective clothing.
From looking at google Earth, near as I can tell they took the photos from somewhere at or near the Iwasugi Shrine (which would also explain the apparent tombstones in the bottom far left of the photo) ( comments)

Early aerial photo

of the block of the Fulton Fun House according to Pictometry Int'l, my house was in the middle row with the grey roof (5 full houses from the left) ( comments)


A fantastic and informative graphic on the state of happiness ( comments)

Baby eyes

I put a parachute up in my bedroom with two holes where the lights are in the ceiling, and it looks like an erie baby's head with glowing eyes. ( comments)

Do not be fooled by

the low, low price of $20up. This is not a good offer. You do not want this. The Rape Offer?? (And "Tunnel+relief"?? Really??) ( comments)

Madison Ballroom

( comments)


( comments)

Album created by album tool a Marginal Hack by D. Madison Thu May 14 20:17:55 2020