Album: Deck Temp

     Album:Palou:Deck Temp
Ground Floor
1 folder , 3 images
The back of the house.
Small landing on the second floor, and medium deck on the first floor behind the bottom flight of stairs. ( comments)
8ft Spiral possibility
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3rd floor deck.
Showing the conversion of the window to a sliding (or French) door, and a deck on the small roof section. Ignore the spiral staircase design on the 2nd floor. ( comments)
Spiral staircase off 2nd floor deck.
The 2-3 grey stairs at the bottom are just showing that the spiral staircase hits a small landing a couple feet above the deck with some regular steps down (to avoid more rotation/spiral steps) ( comments)
[OLD] Old spiral des.. doesn't make sense.
( comments)
[OLD] An example of ..tial 2nd floor deck.
This is probably no longer part of the plan. I'd probably want to flip the stairs so they start closer to the 2nd floor door and then cut back. ( comments)
[OLD] Another old 2nd floor attempt
( comments)
Yet another 2nd floor attempt ( comments)
Ground Floor 3D
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Ground Floor Floor stairs
( comments)
Ground Floor Joists
( comments)
Photo album generated by album a script by David Madison on Fri Nov 11 22:50:56 2022