Album:2024:04-19 Lighthouse-4 0-Werewolf |
Went to Lighthouse Werewolf weekend again at Pigeon Point Lighthouse.
Kate and I drove down.
I didn't have a great record until the very end when I had some epic moments.
There was also the usual awards ceremony with 10 various awards categories,
I had been proud to win "Hardest to Read" last year, which made me very
happy, but was blown away this year when I actually ended up with three awards.
I was proud of getting Most Strategic, and I think that fits my play style,
but was surprised to get Most Suspicious, since I think there are many other
players that have to contend more from that trait than I do.
The second to last big game was murder on us - I was a wolf and we had an
empath (who knows if the seer is next to wolves) and the seer was right between
two wolves (myself and another). The seer told me she had found the wolf on
the other side, so I had to sacrifice him, then when I pointed to the seer at
night I discovered that she was the companion for our Dire Wolf, so we sacrificed
our Dire Wolf, then we awoke to hear the empath news that there had still been
a wolf next to the seer, so I was killed. 60% of our wolf team decimated in about
a minute. The wolves actually managed to get to the final five, which I was amazed with.
I actually didn't have a great record so far that weekend, I wasn't
exactly batting a thousand. But then we had the last big village,
and I was a plain villager, and we had two seers (an actual seer and
a leprechaun). And we had gotten down to the final 7 and I was
looking to be killed as the wolfman, since I was only cleared by the
seer and not the leprechaun - but I ran my "simulations" and realized
that we were guaranteed to have bad info, and needed to test the seer
info. We did, and found a wolf, and found out that the seer was
right, but I still managed to figure out that we were being tricked
by the "seer" and down in the final three managed to get them killed,
even though they had otherwise good seer info and we had two other
specials who were lying about their roles in the most complicated end
game I've been in. We killed the "seer" in the final three and I pointed
to her (Squared) and said "you're the wolf man" and she admitted as much
and the village had won. There was much cheering and amazement, and I felt
like I had definitely earned my "Best Strategist" award after that game.
(Second to?) last big game!
And we can see the transformation from human to werewolf, entirely in my face. This was the disaster village where we had an empath and the seer was right here (Cookie) between two werewolves (myself and Ofrit) and the seer was also the Dire Wolf companion. 3/5 Wolves murdered brutally in about a minute. ( |
Second place for "Smooth Talker"
after the Godfather Tony ( |
First place for "Most Suspicious",
which was a surprise ( |
And Kate wins 1st place
for "Trigger Happy" in an utter landslide. Not surprised. ( |
And first for "Best Strategist"
just past Everett, and the one I was most proud of. ( |
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