Album:2024:02-15 Deceptacon! |
On the plane
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Almost an epic moment.
I was a wolf and had, by chance, and by Faith, been chosen to be afraid of Virginia Woolfe - but in this version if Virginia dies, the player afraid of Virginia is silenced for the game. So of course I killed her, because everyone would assume I would never tolerate being silenced. It was very funny, but I went more for the funny then the game, and failed at my excellent defense via charades, so in the end the gambit failed. [Video, 6.8M] ( |
Played the Speakeasy game
that they run. Like a sophisticated mob-themed "Two Booms.." You need to figure out who your teammates are, and then take action against the other team. I quickly figured out I could trust Prince. ( |
And then Jen was on my team
(left side) and I implemented her play of using a combo of specific powers to steal, we got a small trust circle and optimized the hell out of it and got an unheard of amount of money from the other team which we then managed to permanently protect. It was a series of epic gaming moves and we happily slaughtered the other team. ( |
Late night crowd!
Monday at 7am playing WW ( |
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[Video, 47.9M] ( |
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Photo album generated by album generator from David's MarginalHacks on Tue Jun 25 13:27:31 2024