Album: 08-23 Burning-Man

     Album:2017:08-23 Burning-Man

A lovely year. An easy build which finished early, then we were checking out the early playa and found this tree that needed help. So we helped. All night. And then the next day. And the next few days after that, helping build and debug network/electrical problems. Because it was the Tree of Tenere, and it was one of the most beautiful pieces of art I've seen.
Riding in on the bus
[photo Mischa] ( comments)
In line
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Waiting to enter
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
The bus is prepared
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Camp layout
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Putting up the
first poles ( comments)
Tractor earns her name
augering holes ( comments)
Initial build frame
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
I come up with the idea
to put lights in the post holes that we don't get a chance to use that day [photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Tractor working hard
( comments)
Telind cooking
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Putting the mandalas
on the shade sails ( comments)
We became a part
of the Tree of Tenere, and it was fucking amazing. ( comments)
It was gorgeous
and a highlight of the burn. ( comments)
The tree
being assembled. Initially we helped by spending a couple nights just attaching and wiring leaves to the branches. [photo Deanna] ( comments)
Starting to get lights working
[photo Deanna] ( comments)
Seth helping debug
[photo Deanna] ( comments)
There were problems.
[photo Deanna] ( comments)
All the leaves
[photo Giffins] ( comments)
On the cherry-picker,
helping work on the tree [photo Giffins] ( comments)
..with the Giffins
[photo Giffins] ( comments)
The tree is mostly lit
[photo Giffins] ( comments)
Working on the tree
(in the background on the right) ( comments)
Camp photo
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Camp hug
( comments)
Camp schedule [photo Deanna]
( comments)
The camp
[photo Kevin] ( comments)
Town frontage
[photo Kevin] ( comments)
Through the floor
to the bus [photo Kevin] ( comments)
Our frontage
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Our kitchen
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Our dining room
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Looking down on the town
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Charlie makes a sign
and runs out to welcome the people in line [photo Mischa] ( comments)
Charlie glides
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
The beautiful tree
[photo Mischa] ( comments)
Camp meeting
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
We take a crew out
and hike out to the man [photo Mischa] ( comments)
Hanging at the man
[photo Mischa] ( comments)
Enjoying an art car
by the tree [photo Mischa] ( comments)
Charlie dances hard
on an art car [photo Mischa] ( comments)
( comments)
Daytime dance class
[photo Giffins] ( comments)
We setup the "Cat Cafe"
way out in deep playa [photo Deanna] ( comments)
Where Biscuit served
biscuits and tea and croissants [photo Deanna] ( comments)
Blue makes her skin blue
( comments)
Tree in the sun
[photo Giffins] ( comments)
You never know whom to trust
( comments)
Riding the playa
[photo Eric Schwabel Studios] ( comments)
Charlie wheels
across our camp ( comments)
Penny Bear!
( comments)
Heading out to the tree,
we did this quite a bit ( comments)
The lights were great,
but the tree was beautiful during the day ( comments)
And climbable,
with realistic looking petrified bark ( comments)
At the tree
( comments)
Sitting on the base
( comments)
Far away tree
( comments)
Wheeling out to
a structure,... ( comments)
..this year I spent
most of my driving time following behind Charlie, for good reason. ( comments)
The harsh and beautiful playa
( comments)
My lovely wife
( comments)
Zooming together
( comments)
The pyramid is back
( comments)
Amazing walking machine
( comments)
Riding a promenade
( comments)
Taking out the
biscuit-mobile ( comments)
Looking out
the dance floor [photo Deanna] ( comments)
A slow night
(and the hammocks) [photo Deanna] ( comments)
At the burn
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
The center camp
entry ( comments)
Sitting on the bus
[photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Leading moop strike,
it's break time! [photo Andrew Bressen] ( comments)
Beautiful tree
[photo Giffins] ( comments)
Beautiful tree
[photo Giffins] ( comments)
Driving home [photo Deanna]
( comments)
As a lark during planning,
I check how much it costs to take an Uber to BRC. ( comments)
Created with the tool album a MarginalHack written by Dave Madison on Fri Nov 11 20:52:30 2022