Album: 08-24 Burning Man

     Album:2016:08-24 Burning Man
Mechan 9
One of my favorite installations ( comments)
A whirlwind of joy
in the distance ( comments)
Building the shade structure
for TuiB ( comments)
Someone brings a hoop
and Mark shows how to ride it ( comments)
And Kelly gets into the act.
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Mark looking graceful
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Victor and Charlie
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Dave and Charlie.
I'm wearing my Jesus robes, so evidently I had just gone around blessing people. ( comments)
Looking down on the neighborhood
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Amazing sunset
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Penny Bear is back!
We bring Wadsworth to meet him. ( comments)
Charlie on bike
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Amazing rotating warthog!
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..which you can climb
while it spins. But then ridiculously they lock it up so nobody can get hurt. What? ( comments)
Our family, home.
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The temple
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Biking to the Lighthouse
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The lightouse
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A photog asks to take our photo
[photo Mark Barzman] ( comments)
So, there's kissing,
of course. [photo Mark Barzman] ( comments)
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Charlie and Wadsworth
are monkeys ( comments)
More things to climb
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Wadsworths tries to climb up to mom
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Temple in the sunset
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Fantastic Ravens
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Charlie investigates
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Wadsworth climbs up
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Bad raven!
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My happy love
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Charlie Triangle
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Many mirrors
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My love, with a rose
from Andrea ( comments)
The man is lit
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At the burn
with my love. My horn is all cockeyed, and that's pretty funny. Charlie evidently put it on and thought I looked good this way. I'm glad we're already married. ( comments)
Damn, that's hot
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CC and Josh
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At the burn with CC/Josh
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At the fire
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With my woman
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The masses
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The fallen ashes
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At the burn
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M'lady shows off her outfit
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Heading to the temple burn
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The temple is lit
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Our temple burn crew
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Ogre watch fire
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Ogre love fire!
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We find the back of an art car..
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..and the front is a stage/TV
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Temple ashes
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Relaxing with my love
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And more kissing!
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At the fire
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My wife at the flames
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Looking firey
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And then my wife
gets naked. Like she does ( comments)
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