Album:2010:10-22 Oslo Norway Blues
I went to Oslo to teach a Blues workshop and hangout with Ane who I had met in Göteborg.
Norway, incidentally, is awesome. I'm more Swedish than Norwegian by blood, but I kind of wish it was the other way around.
Octoberfest in Norway
means getting drunk in a tent. ( comments)
Teaching Musicality
[Video, 23.6M] ( comments)
And then this swirling vortex
appeared out of nowhere. We entered the TimeGate and found.... ( comments)
Norwegian Folk Dancers!
They kept beckoning us in, and I thought, what the hell, I'm a Lindy (folk) dancer, so why not. ( comments)
Ane scrunches her nose
in nostalgia and fear, and somehow a little heart pops out of her nostrils (that must have been on the wall, but I swear it looks like someone edited the photo, which did not happen) ( comments)
So we decide to join.
[Video, 9.4M] ( comments)
..and by "we decide"
I mean "I force Ane to join" [Video, 12M] ( comments)
The streets of Oslo
( comments)
Dave rides the lion
at the train station. ( comments)
We walk up on the slanted roof
of the Opera house, which is beautiful and wonderfully dangerous. ( comments)
Rooftop sunset
( comments)
Ane surveys the view
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The roof is slippery,
which is fantastic. [Video, 8.2M] ( comments)
Ane slides
[Video, 9.7M] ( comments)
The lights.
( comments)