Album: The Wedge

     Album:2009:08-30 Burning Man:The Wedge

Sometimes the most brilliant ideas are simple (though not necessarily in execution and construction). A gigantic wedge covered with astroturf and with cardboard and plastic slides littered about. People were sliding down on their asses and stomachs.

But since we were from Ultra Stunt Danger Academy, we decided to up the ante a bit. We did this on a few different days, and by the time we were leaving we had inspired other people to foolisly try to surf it. So I think the med tent owes USDA an obvious thanks for all of the company they probably received from our inspirations. :)

Kyle walked away with a severe burn on his back (later fixed with electrical tape), and I ended up with a bit of a limp from landing on my side (I hit the same injured side on the first run in this series), but it was worth it for the fun and for all the congratulations we got from the spectators (although.. spectating at Burning Man?... c'mon now..)

One of my better runs
(though the best was never captured.. ah well) [Video, 2.9M] ( comments)
Kyle wipes out
[Video, 2.9M] ( comments)
A weaker run
[Video, 5.7M] ( comments)
Kyle makes it
to home plate[Video, 3.5M] ( comments)
Album created by album from MarginalHacks by D. Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:32:19 2022