Album: 11-07 Copenhagen Blues

     Album:2008:10-21 Europe Teaching:11-07 Copenhagen Blues
Riding the metro escalator
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
My poor jacket
has been multiply ripped. [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
On the metro,
monkey face! [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Ursi suddenly mind-melds
with a stuffed animal. [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Ursi shows off her new boots
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
We find a dried fruit stand.
Dried strawberries. Awesome! How come we don't have those in the states?? [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
I'd like a Kylling S.. with a zzzzzzzz....
(snore) [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Jumping through old town.
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Dancing at a local bar
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Superdark video
of fast dancing with Ursi. [Video Hannah Schneider, 24M] ( comments)
Dancing with Hannah,..izer extraordinaire.
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
The blues party dance
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Surprised by the camera
[Video Hannah Schneider, 17M] ( comments)
The blues party
back room in a cafe. [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
The band (Mia, Herrang dancer!)
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
We .. umm ..
didn't teach *this* [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Answering a question
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Ursi teaching
(with help from Signe) [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Dave, the teaching DJ
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Promo shot
by awesome photographer Erik U. [photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
Promo shot
by awesome photographer Erik U. [photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
Then things got silly
[photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
Kung-fu Ursi
[photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
Class practicing
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
This pretty much sums up
our teaching methodology [photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
[photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
[photo Hannah Schneider]
Demo dance
[Video Hannah Schneider, 20M] ( comments)
The advanced class
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Class (jazz hands!)
[photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
Dancing w/ Joan
after class ( comments)
Dancing w/ Joan
[photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Dancing with Joan
[Video Hannah Schneider, 28M] ( comments)
Dancing with Elise??
who was terrified of Blues (and losing her balance :) [Video Hannah Schneider, 41M] ( comments)
Exhausted Dave
in the background [photo Hannah Schneider] ( comments)
Ursi wants long hair.
[photo Erik L. Underbjerg] ( comments)
Created with the tool album generator a Marginal Hack written by Dave on Fri Nov 11 21:38:42 2022