Album: 01-19 SoFlex

     Album:2006:01-19 SoFlex
Glen [FL] has a love affair
with Sweet Tomatos buffet restaurant that I completely don't understand. ( comments)
Karissa [SEA] (next to Amy [ATL])
has a love affair with playing with her food. ( comments)
Karissa dancing
at the Millenium. ( comments)
Keither taking photos
( comments)
[of] ( comments)
host extraordinaire of the 5 star SoFl Lindy Hotel ( comments)
Thai [SoFl?]
( comments)
( comments)
DJ Roy
now lives in SF, fortunately. ( comments)
Sayra and Karis (pro..ced "Carass") [SoFl]
( comments)
Dancing w/ Karis
[photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
Milton has a way
of inspiring fine moments in me. [photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
is a ride co-ordinator goddess ( comments)
Sat? dance
( comments)
Jen [StL]
came to SoFlex! :) ( comments)
The women of SoFlex put on quite a show..
( comments)
..which was nice for all of us.
( comments)
Amber [Louisiana]
and Jeremy [DC] ( comments)
Amber excels at laughing
and making faces. ( comments)
Dancing with Dee
[photo courtesy Keither] ( comments)
[photo courtesy Keither] ( comments)
[photo courtesy Keither] ( comments)
[photo courtesy Keither] ( comments)
This is with Heather [Memphis] and unfortunately I am blocking a great shot of her hair. [photo courtesy Keither] ( comments)
and he demonstrates different disco dance styles with his fingers.
..But I was evidently
wanting to kiss the camera. [photo courtesy Keither] ( comments)
The uncageable Jodie [ATL]
( comments)
Glen [SoFl] is caught
attacking Lisa Maria [SoFl] ( comments)
Luke [Chico]
is part of a massage train, ( comments)
Dancing w/ Andrea
[photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
More Milton shots
[photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
Tiffany on the floor.
How does Milton do it? :) [photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
I see a beach on the Atlantic
for the first time in probably a decade or two. ( comments) which Jeremy and Karissa [SEA]
go for a swim ( comments)
And then came the Florida weather,
and a rain storm rolled in and the horizon disappeared. We were dancing in an outdoor mall getting soaked, and it was probably my favorite time of the whole exchange. ( comments)
Dancing with Jen
in the rain. ( comments)
Thao [SEA->Bos]
at the outdoor mall dance. ( comments)
Karis [SoFl]
who I met at ALX'05 ( comments)
Megan [Knoxville]
( comments)
The outdoor mall,
after the rain washed away. ( comments)
..with it's very Flo..n style mallishness.
( comments)
Such awesomeness
[photo J Cartelli] ( comments)
Kellijean, our hostess fantastic
( comments)
( comments) adorable.
( comments)
Jay [Korea] was at SoFlex
[photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
Did I mention that Milton
inspires the best photos? [photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
some other word, like "best" but meaning "silly" instead. [photo courtesy Milton] ( comments)
Amy [ATL]
( comments)
I had an awesome dance
with Shermalyn [photo Hinkle] ( comments)
[photo Hinkle] ( comments)
aka "Sherm"
from NC [photo Hinkle] ( comments)
Excellent funtastic.
[photo Hinkle] ( comments)
Dancing with Thai
[photo Hinkle] ( comments)
Heather [Memphis]
and I bonded over a mutually awesometastic experience at City Museum during STLBX'05. ( comments)
Jenna [Chi]
was superfun to dance with. ( comments)
and so does Megan
[Knox], at the Sunday dance ( comments)
Tiffany [SoFl]
is evidently my wife, or at least I look like her husband. ( comments)
Michelle [Windsor, CA]
claims to be from Detroit. It may look like I'm punching her in this photo - but that's just my lead hand, folks. ( comments)
We get a ride to the airport
courtesy Amanda ( comments)
The backseat.
( comments)
Photo album generated by album generator from Marginal Hacks by D. Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:05:11 2022