Album: 03-13 Walking Fish

     Album:2004:03-13 Walking Fish

So I have this friend Fabienne who lives in Switzerland, and she's a rock star.
So, not yet, but soon she will be. She's a great singer, and she just joined a band called Walking Fish, and on March 13th of 2004 they had their first concert.
This is particularly significant to me since I wrote some lyrics for Fabienne, and one of the songs they played was from my lyrics, a self-pitying, woebegone song called Blue.

Blue is one of their openers, and I have a couple of copies as well as a few other songs I wrote the lyrics for:

Blue (studio) [mp3, 3.7M] lyrics as recorded, as written
Blue (practice session) [mp3, 3.4M] (sorry about the quality - copied from tape)
Goodnight ("Hide and Seek") [mp3, 4.0M] lyrics as recorded, as written
The Day My Sunglasses Died [mp3, 3.8M] lyrics as recorded, as written
at the concert ( comments)
At the start of the show
they walked out with fish on their heads. Walking Fish. Get it? ( comments)
Fabienne has groupies!
( comments)
Walking Fish
performs ( comments)

Thanks to AcmeLabs for the heartmaker
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