Album: 05-18 Bay To Breakers

     Album:2003:05-18 Bay To Breakers

Every year SF has a 'race' called Bay To Breakers.

And it's a race as only San Francisco could have..

Throng of runners,
down Fell Street ( comments)
Some people opt for the park
( comments)
Political views
are always present ( comments)
Here come
the Bare To Breakers ( comments)
More naked
people ( comments)
They seemed
to be the theme when I showed up. ( comments)
He's wrong,
the end of the race is a few more miles ( comments)
( comments)
Big contraptions
often come through the race, this is the biggest I've seen ( comments)
I had a lounge chair
that I gave to someone that was supposed to be in the race ( comments)
but I never saw it.
( comments)
( comments)
Album created by album script from David Madison's MarginalHacks on Fri Nov 11 21:16:11 2022