Album:1994-1998 Colorado:Danger and excitement in Colorado,
Andrew Allen and I,
cliff jumping to our death. ( comments)
60+ foot cliff,
on the Poudre River (I-14?) ( comments)
( comments)
A-Basin '95-96
Chris Murphy and I egged each other on and had our first cliff jumping experience (about 15 feet) and we were surprised that we didn't die, so.. ( comments)
A-Basin '95-96
Which increased to a 40+ foot cornice drop that was awesome and heavenly. ( comments)
After a number of perfect landings,
I decide to have a friend take a photo, and manage to plant a ski and have one of the most spectacular wipeouts of all time. I skidded about a hundred feet or so and had to hike back up to get my ski. The smudge in the middle is a camera strap that I tried to edit out of the photo. ( comments)
The day I finally broke 100 bowling,
using a patented disco maneuver, at the HP PCXU party. ( comments)