Album: 2022


Big Moments:

02-09 Tia is found
2 images
02-25 Monterey with Ron and Linda
4 images
03-04 Dwights-90th and PNW
23 images
03-21 Parents Visit
9 images
03-24 Jesse Family Band
10 images
04-14 New Office
9 images
04-15 Easter Egg Hunt
22 images
04-17 Mika Concert
14 images
05-08 CuriOdyssey Mothers Day
6 images
05-15 Broken Toe
6 images
06-15 Weird Al Yankovic
1 image
06-19 TrainTown Fathers Day
17 images
06-26 Minnesota Reunion
26 images
06-30 Eileen Memorial
5 images
07-04 July Fourth in Bayview
2 images
07-25 Bijou Pre Build
9 images
08-06 Alanis Concert
8 images
08-08 Bijou Pre Build-2
11 images
08-12 Parker and Caroline
17 images
08-22 Burning Man
2 folders , 92 images
09-29 New York Reunion
24 images
10-22 Last HvZ Before Turnover
5 images
10-24 Halloween
15 images
11-04 PNW Trip
13 images
11-24 XGiving
70 images
12-03 Birthday
4 images
12-10 Minnesota Gerry
9 images
12-18 Bay Area Discovery Museum
13 images
12-22 Xmas Truckee
1 folder , 74 images
Jesse visits
( comments)
A power transformer ..ectrical danger time
[Video, 26.8M] ( comments)
Album created by album from MarginalHacks by D. Madison on Sun May 14 23:14:24 2023