Album: 10-16 Blues in Toulouse

     Album:2009:10-14 Europe Teaching:10-16 Blues in Toulouse

Thanks to Jay, Ursi and I went to Toulouse to teach a Blues workshop alongside Lucky and Shannon
[photo Mary Kuhlke]
Teaching class
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
Shannon was Lucky's assistant
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
Lucky has the genius idea
that we should have a baguette battle ( comments)
Yes, yes, these are good weapons
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
..They have the right bouquet
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
DaveSan and LuckySan battle
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
A heroic clash
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
The Historic Baguette Battle
[Video, 7.9M] ( comments)
Kill move
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Lucky swings low
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Over the back
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Baguette blow
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
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And victory!
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
Then we have an actual battle
[photo Mary Kuhlke] ( comments)
Actual battle,
Lucky had a scar from this a few months later [Video, 14M] ( comments)
Walking in Toulouse
[photo Shannon Woods] ( comments)
[photo Shannon Woods] ( comments)
Dancing with Mary
[photo Shannon Woods] ( comments)
Being tourists
with Carole ( comments)
Some bridge
( comments)
The dance
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The fantastic Sandryne,
one of my top five follows in the world. ( comments)
Winner of
"Most Bizarre Window Display" ( comments)
Touristing with the
lovely and private Karen.. ( comments)
..who doesn't like having her photo taken.
( comments)
Lovely streets of Toulouse..
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..which are old-fashiony
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Toulousian waterfront
( comments)
Photo album generated by album from Marginal Hacks by David Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:33:59 2022