Album: 10-12 Moving Out

     Album:2009:10-12 Moving Out
Some of my plants
(now gone) ( comments)
Disassembling the waterbed
(now gone) ( comments)
..I find a forgotten Time Capsule
that Haley and I planted when I got the bed. It has a firecracker in it... ( comments)
..So I shoot of the firecracker.
Bang! ( comments)
One of the many piles of junk..
( comments)
..that was sold, donated or thrown away
( comments)
..these piles were for Goodwill
( comments)
Bags of clothes and stuff for Goodwill
( comments)
The Fulton sign
that some friends found from a closing restaurant. I had it pointing to my kitchen for many years. ( comments)
Moving furniture for LindyBooty,
I almost walk right into this web and plant this monster on myself. Ugh. ( comments)
Big fucking spider.
( comments)
Debs notices the poetic Blyers
being discarded on the sidewalk [photo Debs Gardner] ( comments)
And my car
(and stuff galore) goes into storage. ( comments)
A final walkthru
of the empty house, one which I have to revisit often to quiet the nightmares I have of leaving things behind in the house. [Video, 39.7M] ( comments)
Created with the tool album generator a MarginalHack written by D. Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:33:50 2022