Album: Sunday

     Album:2008:12-26 Lindy Focus:Sunday

On Sunday I got up to do the late night count and explained that, seeing as how I'm also a computer geek, we had decided to automate the process to make it easier.
"Computer, please show me
the hotel security cam from the main room at 4:21am last night." ( comments)
"Great. I've also
written some facial recognition software. Computer, find me the faces in this photo." ( comments)
"Okay, now connect to Facebook,
find their accounts, lookup their home city, and do a late night count." ( comments)
"Great, here's the count.
We have Ann Arbor and DC tied with 3 people. Computer, show me the security cam from the Blues room." ( comments)
"Okay, find me the faces.."
( comments)
"And count the cities.."
( comments)
"Great. Bay Area wins with 3."
Andrew: "Dave, where's Sosh?" Dave: "Oh, I'm sure he's... Computer, find me Sosh Howell" ( comments)
"Hrm. Okay, Computer,
expand search to include entire hotel." ( comments)
"Hrm. I can't see anything.
Computer, brighten image." ( comments)
"What is that?
Computer, zoom in." ( comments)
"Okay, zoom in more."
( comments)
"Okay, seriously Computer,
just zoom in." ( comments)
Computer, go back two hours."
Computer, zoom out about halfway." ( comments)
"Oh Sosh. What happened?
(taps ear) Okay Computer, sure, pan down" ( comments)
Computer, zoom out and enhance image." ( comments)
"Wow, Sosh.
What happened?" Sosh: "That's not me!" Dave: "We can find out. ( comments)
"Geez Sosh. What's going on?"
Sosh: "That's not me!" ( comments)

Sosh: "Dave, that was my stunt double. You know about my stunt double, right?"

Dave: "What, like an evil twin?"

Sosh: "No, really, I have a stunt double."

Sosh then did the ninja call and was surrounded by his swarm of ninjas. When the dispersed, Sosh was standing nose to nose with his stunt double. They both did a touch-step turn to face the audience..

Sosh: "See, I have a stunt double" Double: "See, he has a stunt double"

Photo album generated by album tool from D. Madison's MarginalHacks on Fri Nov 11 21:39:00 2022