Album: 06-21 Improv

     Album:2005:06-21 Improv

We did our weekly Improv outside just for kicks one day.
Joel playing with shadows
( comments)
Some passerby's got sucked in
(I think we were playing Bunny Bunny Bunny) ( comments)
Debbie and her straight face
( comments)
Sunny Bunny Bunny Bunny!
( comments)
It was one of the best
B.B.B games we've played. ( comments)
[Video, 8.2M] Super fast Bunny Bunny Bunny
[Video, 8.2M] ( comments)
[Video, 13.8M] Vertical B.B.B. cam
(very funny) [Video, 13.8M] ( comments)
Jonathon gives a speech.
( comments)
The ducks joined our improv
for a scene (though I confess I don't remember how) ( comments)
[Video, 5.5M] "Look at the infinity!"
[Video, 5.5M] ( comments)
Album created by album generator a free tool by D. Madison on Fri Nov 11 21:12:00 2022